Thursday, August 10, 2017

Inspite of his faults....

He is not perfect and neither are you
He comes with his flaws and so do you
He may not love you the way you want him to
He may not miss you when you want him to
He may not give you roses when you expected diamonds
He may not say things how you want to hear it
But make sure you hold on to him
Make sure you hold tighter when all you want to do is analyse him, judge him, push him and test him.
Yell at him if he makes you crazy; punch him hard when he makes you crazier but love him harder.

Because he will make you smile in the most trying times
He will try to hold on to you when things fall apart
He will make you dance with him at the most unexpected melodies of life
He will give a piece of himself to you knowing very well how easily you could break it

All this inspite of his faults…. 

Inspite of his faults....

He is not perfect and neither are you He comes with his flaws and so do you He may not love you the way you want him to He may not ...