Thursday, May 18, 2017


A lot has been written about you!!
I used you ruthlessly to bend a bone and pierce a heart 
I used you to create pain and shame
I used you as weapon to embarrass and humiliate
But then I realised there is no taking you back because it left me bitter
With this I lost myself and the relationships I bargained with
And then I mend my fingerprints in the hope that all will be restored but then you have already destroyed it.

I realised…
When you come out; it can make someone’s day or might havoc a nightmare
You can hurt a heart or heal a soul
You can wound the mind or restore the core
You can define and disgust or liberate and rejuvenate
You can make someone cry or make them tearfully laugh
You have the power to build or the strength to destroy
You can make or break but once out, you can never be taken back!!

So, when I choose you, I decide!!
I decide to use you emotionally and intelligently
I use your power to cultivate a weak heart
I use your strength to nurture a broken soul
I use your influence to motivate a desperate mind
I make a choice that when you come out, it shows and spreads tenderness and love, sensitiveness and thoughtfulness.

So I choose my words!!!

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Inspite of his faults....

He is not perfect and neither are you He comes with his flaws and so do you He may not love you the way you want him to He may not ...