Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I sit on the mud pie soaking the sun above me seeing my little one enjoying himself in the mud.

He rushes towards me carrying something colourful in his hands. I wonder to myself as I see him running - what a daunting task to clean him up later. But his little gesture leaves me filled with pure smile. His small palms have firmly fenced the daffodils and tulips with sand all around it. “Mommy this is git for you,” he says. He puts them all in my lap gives me a peck and rushes to play in his mud pool.   

Such is innocence! Some worthless fallen blossoms for me but for him they are vibrant and colourful flowers. And he thinks of gifting them to me.

Innocence doesn’t see what something is meant to be but it sees as what it is. It doesn’t perceive, doesn’t judge and isn’t opinionated. It is just as it is!! 

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Inspite of his faults....

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