Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mommy brains and food in-between

Am a meat and fish eating woman married into a traditional home of no meat eating only pure greens family. Well, one reason I married my husband because I fell in love with him and of course because like me he too loves the taste of sliced chicken and fish curry.  So entering a home where veggies and pulses is relished and chicken and meat abhorred was a tough call but then love conquers all. But then you are still fine as long as you eat out and no meat cooked at home.

But marriage also brings in children and how about wanting to feed your off spring a slice of fresh Basa and a roasted chicken. Indian homes are traditional and there is a clear divide between meat eaters and no meat. It’s an eternal battle between the ones wanting to save the plants and the ones wanting to save the wild life. Well, but when it comes to motherhood it’s only the battle of feeding the food that what you feel is right. And so there came a time when, I felt to introduce to my offspring that which I love and enjoy eating, and I know has its merits too specially made by me in my kitchen.  So how do I solve this, not hurting the cultural obligations of my in-laws and yet making my offspring enjoy variety of foods? Quiet a dilemma isn’t it?

‘When you have no answers leave it to God!’ in this case when I didn’t have any answer I left it to my paediatrician. So it was a simple task. Make the doctor say what I wanted to hear. All children we know are fussy eaters. No child eats what is fed and they all irrespective to age thrive on junk. And all grand parents and parents think that their child is the thinnest and needs to be fed all the food so that they gain weight. Even with studies showing on myriad of information on food and eating still when it comes to age old thinking you can never fight the adage. There is no guarantee in getting an advice that which says, ‘the doctor doesn’t know anything. We have also raised kids. What does the doctor know?’ huh! Quite a pain point. Yet, I decided to take my chances.  

So I marched to the paediatrician with my toddler and my mom-in-law for his routine check-up and took out my favourite topic that all the paediatrics wants to be saved of this is how the conversation goes. Me- ‘he isn’t eating properly. Is his weight fine? Should I introduce something else? Him- ‘no, he is fine. Look he is so active.’ Me- ‘but his weight is on the lower side of the average. So now when I speak his language, the doc takes me seriously. Him-‘every 4 hours a meal is good with all veggies and pulses.’ Me- ‘anything on his protein intake? He hates milk as well.’  Him- ‘you can start giving him chicken. Boiled chicken, stock is very healthy.’ Yipeeee, first hurdle crossed. I can feel my mother-in-law go red. But I continue. ‘Thank you we say and leave.’

When we reached home, I told everything to my man verbatim. Well, he is my partner in crime. And being the sportsperson that he is who was fed eggs as major source of energy was more than willing to have his son being fed all that his wife thought was important. All the while his mother giving us disapproving glances. But when it came to her grandchild and his health even her traditions I guess went for a toss and finally relented to my paediatrics mind- twisted advice and her son’s last say!

Finally, we have an amalgamated family who love and cherish and respect each other’s flavours and practices. Well, my offspring surely has grown to love his fish and chicken simultaneously loving his greens as well. His grand mom is happy seeing his eat still fretting on his weight. My man is happy with what is laid on his plate and for me, in between my nursery rhymes I am a happy mom, thanks to my mommy brains! 

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